The Learning Hub will be closed for maintenance from 5am until 2pm on 5 November. For information, email: [email protected].

Farmer helping train two young staff on how to handle a young dairy calf.

Cultivating careers

Cultivating careers

Agriculture and horticulture is in the middle of a labour crisis.

We're working with partner organisations across the country to help more people find their place in the industry and, importantly, to help farmers and growers find them.
Farmer helping train two young staff on how to handle a young dairy calf.

Try our Mastering Recruitment module for FREE!

Fill in the short form here to access our free taster module and see how you can improve the recruitment processes in your farming or growing business.

This module covers the practical steps to prepare a job profile, write an effective advert and make your job—and your business—stand out to potential employees.

TIAH members can access the whole course, save their progress, and earn two BASIS CPD points.

Quick tips to improve recruitment

The labour market is more competitive than ever, with huge competition for the best applicants. Alistair Gibb outlines the key steps to give you the best chance of success when looking to hire.

TIAH members can learn more about improving their recruitment processes and earn two BASIS CPD points by taking our Mastering recruitment online learning.

Recruitment Toolkit

Our Recruitment Toolkit details the gold standard practices you can adopt to make sure your hiring process gives you the best possible chance of finding the right person to bring into your business.

Packed with templates, tools and advice, the toolkit can guide you through each step of the process, no matter what role you're looking to fill.

Review your recruitment process

Strong ties crucial to retaining valued staff

Build stronger ties with your staff and help them develop new skills through effective coaching.

You can try our FREE introduction to Coaching for staff retention and find out more about how you can improve the productivity and loyalty of your team with our Essential Skills online learning.

Effective teams built on tight communication

Learn how to become a great communicator to bring your team together and deliver on your business goals.

Our online learning on being a great communicator can help you improve your skills and manage communication issues.

You can try this online learning for FREE and find out more about all our Essential Skills training.

Members get more

We're bringing together quality online learning materials, webinars and downloadables - including the three mentioned below - to help everyone in farming and growing improve their recruitment and retention processes.

Find out how you can benefit from becoming a member of farming and growing's professional body.

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Staff Reviews Toolkit

Holding on to your most valuable staff members has never been more important as the industry faces ongoing recruitment difficulties.

Find out how you can use staff reviews - also known as appraisals - to improve employees' skills while also increasing their morale and loyalty to your business.

Assess how you can improve staff retention rates

Develop your Essential Skills

We offer a host of Essential Skills online learning courses that can help you develop your own skills and upskill your team, too.

Members can access a host of online learning materials on everything from health and safety best practice to handling conflict, all of which can help farm owners and managers forge tighter, more effective teams.
Find out how to build a robust recruitment process that helps you find the right person to hire.
Find out how you can bring key stakeholders together and make an effective plan for business succession.
Understand how to calculate and deliver your crop's nutrient need while complying with relevant regulations.