What is CPD?
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What is CPD?
What is CPD?
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It's a common name for keeping the knowledge, understanding and skills you use in your work up to date.

It's used to describe any learning you do in your current job or when you're preparing for a future role.
It's likely you already do this even if you don’t call it CPD. You may have heard people using the terms learning, training or lifelong learning. These are all types of CPD when they are focused on your job role or your future career path.
We're here to support you in finding the right CPD, so you can develop and add to your current knowledge and skills.
By improving your knowledge and skills, you can open new opportunities to develop your career. Find out how your CPD evidence can help you achieve success.
It's likely you already do this even if you don’t call it CPD. You may have heard people using the terms learning, training or lifelong learning. These are all types of CPD when they are focused on your job role or your future career path.
We're here to support you in finding the right CPD, so you can develop and add to your current knowledge and skills.
By improving your knowledge and skills, you can open new opportunities to develop your career. Find out how your CPD evidence can help you achieve success.
Developing your skills
We can help you find different ways to do develop, including through:
- Courses: Formal, informal, in person, online and e-learning
- Engaging with a network that allows you to learn from others: Special interest groups, advisory groups, local and regional groups, social media
- On the job learning: From others at your place of work, by visiting farms or other parts of the supply and food chain
- Self study: Reading books, journals/magazines and case studies, watching online videos, listening to podcasts, attending webinars, going to talks and presentations, either in person or online
- TIAH Essential Skills: Our online learning resources
We believe Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is vital to update your knowledge and skills and develop your career.
We know you're busy, so we've made CPD as straightforward, time-efficient and flexible as possible.
Our tools are designed to help you record, track and share your CPD record. Find out more.
Ensuring sure staff continue to develop their knowledge and skills will make them more effective in your workplace.
CPD helps you focus on important areas of your development and allows you to reduce any gaps in your knowledge and skills.
How does CPD help me?
CPD boosts your knowledge and skills for best practice
There'll always be new challenges, whether because national policy changes, retailer and consumer needs change, or because we understand more about the science. CPD helps you meet current best practice and prepare for changes to practice in your role.
CPD helps you become more effective in your role
Increasing, or keeping your knowledge and skills up to date and using them every day will make you more effective in your workplace. This helps the business be productive and sustainable.
CPD builds confidence and credibility
By making sure you have the knowledge and skills needed for best practice in your role, you can be confident in your performance and how you add value to the business you're in. This will help you in career discussions with your employer, including appraisals, and to be ready for new career opportunities. If the industry’s workforce is knowledgeable and skilled, this helps people to trust us and our businesses.
CPD can put you in touch with experts in the field
Many opportunities for CPD are online. This includes opportunities to learn and connect with other people. It's easier than ever to hear from experts working in the industry, developing new ways to do things in the industry, or improving our understanding of the areas we're working in.
CPD helps you stay up to date with trends
Trends include concerns and behaviours from consumers and society. These could be in areas like food safety, food quality, animal welfare, environmental protection and sustainability.
CPD can help you recognise and understand upcoming changes. It can also help you gain the knowledge and skills required for industry standards.
CPD helps push the knowledge and technology in our industry forward
Putting knowledge into practice is an important part of CPD. It's also very important for developing new ideas and technology. Giving feedback on how you’ve used an idea or technology in your work is valuable for helping our industry develop.
CPD supports your understanding of the wider context to your work
CPD can help you understand the benefits of what you do, and how that affects other things outside of your immediate task or role. This knowledge and understanding can make you more effective in your work.
CPD has a wide impact
Improving what you do in your role through CPD has an impact on more than you and your business. Meeting industry standards means you have an impact on areas like the environment, sustainability and the economy.
CPD increases public confidence in the industry
Knowing that our industry’s workers are committed to CPD and improving working practices can improve public confidence in our products and the way we produce them in our sector.
There'll always be new challenges, whether because national policy changes, retailer and consumer needs change, or because we understand more about the science. CPD helps you meet current best practice and prepare for changes to practice in your role.
CPD helps you become more effective in your role
Increasing, or keeping your knowledge and skills up to date and using them every day will make you more effective in your workplace. This helps the business be productive and sustainable.
CPD builds confidence and credibility
By making sure you have the knowledge and skills needed for best practice in your role, you can be confident in your performance and how you add value to the business you're in. This will help you in career discussions with your employer, including appraisals, and to be ready for new career opportunities. If the industry’s workforce is knowledgeable and skilled, this helps people to trust us and our businesses.
CPD can put you in touch with experts in the field
Many opportunities for CPD are online. This includes opportunities to learn and connect with other people. It's easier than ever to hear from experts working in the industry, developing new ways to do things in the industry, or improving our understanding of the areas we're working in.
CPD helps you stay up to date with trends
Trends include concerns and behaviours from consumers and society. These could be in areas like food safety, food quality, animal welfare, environmental protection and sustainability.
CPD can help you recognise and understand upcoming changes. It can also help you gain the knowledge and skills required for industry standards.
CPD helps push the knowledge and technology in our industry forward
Putting knowledge into practice is an important part of CPD. It's also very important for developing new ideas and technology. Giving feedback on how you’ve used an idea or technology in your work is valuable for helping our industry develop.
CPD supports your understanding of the wider context to your work
CPD can help you understand the benefits of what you do, and how that affects other things outside of your immediate task or role. This knowledge and understanding can make you more effective in your work.
CPD has a wide impact
Improving what you do in your role through CPD has an impact on more than you and your business. Meeting industry standards means you have an impact on areas like the environment, sustainability and the economy.
CPD increases public confidence in the industry
Knowing that our industry’s workers are committed to CPD and improving working practices can improve public confidence in our products and the way we produce them in our sector.