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Ruthie Peterson is leading TIAH's work with the ICAP group - seen here talking with former NFU President, Minette Batters.

Careers Advice Hub

Careers advice hub

This hub brings information together on the jobs available in farming and growing and the bursaries, competitions and organisations which can help careers seekers get into those roles. Built by members of the Industry Careers Action Plan Group.
Ruthie Peterson is leading TIAH's work with the ICAP group - seen here talking with former NFU President, Minette Batters.
Quickly navigate around the Careers Advice Hub

Dyson Summer Series applications are open!

Dyson Farming has opened applications for this year's Summer Series work experience programme.

The annual scheme offers young people with an interest in farming and growing the opportunity to get first-hand experience of the industry on one of the country's most innovating and forward-thinking farm businesses.

Applicants must be 18 or over and be available from July 7 to 11, 2025.
This Careers Advice Hub is bringing together resources to help you get a better understanding of the diverse range of roles and opportunities in farming and growing.

About this hub

In response to the call for a centralised source of industry careers information, TIAH, on behalf of the Industry Careers Action Plan (ICAP) Group, has established a Careers Advice Hub.

The hub has collated and will regularly update a comprehensive collection of resources for careers professionals, parents and guardians. 
We're working to show there's a place for everyone in farming and growing.

Showcase the industry

The Careers Advice Hub is a dynamic offering, and we are keen to add new resources and opportunities to it on an ongoing basis.

So, if you know of any organisations, resources or have any opportunities, bursaries or competitions that are not listed, please contact Ruthie Peterson, our Careers Manager, via email.
We're working to show there's a place for everyone in farming and growing.

Grow your sustainable career - Work experience in farming

With many schools and colleges now recommending students take on virtual, rather than on-site, work experience placements, we've worked with Springpod to ensure farming and growing careers are better represented online.

Developed in collaboration with our Industry Careers Action Plan Group, our Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme gives careers seekers a real insight into the incredible work farmers and growers do in producing food while managing the environment in a sustainable way.

Find out more about the practicalities of working on a farm with our job profiles.

Job profiles

There's a wealth of information on the rewarding careers available in farming and growing - but finding it can be tricky if you don't know where to start. 

We're bringing the best of this information together to give you a real insight into the sector and the people who make it so exciting.

Each of the organisations below provides quality profiles of real jobs in agriculture and horticulture.
Find out more about the practicalities of working on a farm with our job profiles.
We have a great range of profiles and videos detailing the skills, responsibilities and salaries associated with farming and growing jobs.
If you are looking across the wider land-based and environment sector, then Lantra's careers hub is a great place to start.
If you would like to see personalised accounts of some of the more science-based roles in the industry you will find many of the roles covered on the New Scientist site.
The National Careers Service provides a host of job profiles across a wide variety of sectors.

Learning resources

Whether it's downloadable lesson guides or tips on planning a school trip to a farm, there are plenty of resources available to help teachers build farming and growing into their classes while also hitting their learning goals. 
There are lots of opportunities to get financial support to help you train for a role in farming or growing.

Bursaries and grants

Did you know there are a wide variety of financial support packages (bursaries) available to help with training, research, and education at all levels within the agriculture and horticulture industry?

The main places to find details of what's available are the Agri Food Charities Partnership’s website and the Chartered Institute of Horticulture.

It's worth noting that many of the opportunities have geographical or sector-based restrictions to who they may award to, but there's a wealth of provision out there.
There are lots of opportunities to get financial support to help you train for a role in farming or growing.
Find out more about the range of opportunities there are for students and schools to find out more about life in farming and growing.

Competitions and opportunities

Students can raise their profile, build their CV, and gain valuable industry experience by taking part in these exciting and inspirational competitions and opportunities.
Farmers and growers can find a lot of support in each other and from the huge range of organisations who are ready to help them.

Supporting organisations

There's a huge range of support available for everyone in farming and growing, whether they're a new entrant or a long-serving farm manager.

Find out more about some of the organisations that can provide advice, information and grants to those wanting to progress their careers in agriculture or horticulture.
Farming is often in the news, but there are also plenty of good, reliable magazines, tv shows and podcasts which can help you find out more about this exciting industry.

Farming and growing media

You can help improve your knowledge of the farming and growing industry, and that of your students, by finding out more about the entertaining and informative media that's already available.
You can also get more information on the different sectors in farming and growing and find out how the industry varies across the country in our About the industry pages.
TIAH is working with partners across agriculture and horticulture to promote careers in the industry.

The work of the ICAP Group

The Industry Careers Action Plan (ICAP) Group was launched by Lord Curry in October 2022 and brings together key stakeholders to promote careers in agriculture and horticulture. The ICAP’s members play diverse and crucial roles in supporting the industries workforce. 
Find out more about our Careers Action Plan work
Help put farming and growing at the core of an updated National Curriculum by being part of our response.

Farming and growing's place in the classroom

TIAH and the ICAP Group has responded to the government's review of the National Curriculum, aiming to reinforce the importance of representing farming and growing across its content.

You can read our open letter to farmers and growers and find out more about the National Curriculum review.

Help put farming and growing at the core of an updated National Curriculum by being part of our response.