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Welcome to the TIAH Capability Framework

Welcome to the TIAH Capability Framework

A capability framework is a helpful tool that lists the skills and knowledge you need to work in your industry. 

Our Capability Framework is split into sector-specific competencies, core competencies and behaviours.

Click on any petal in the graphic to see what each section contains. You can then click on the petal again or any of its subitems for more information.

Our Capability Framework

Young farmer reversing her tractor.

Building on the industry's core skills

We've worked with the agriculture and horticulture industry to develop a Capability Framework for farming and growing.

This framework outlines the competencies needed for working with livestock, arable, or horticulture by listing the skills and knowledge that are critical to those sectors.

It also describes the business, people, environment, leadership skills, and knowledge needed to run a successful business.

The framework has been created to support you so you can make the most of your skills and develop your career.

Core competencies

The competencies needed to meet the requirements of every role in farming and growing, no matter what specialism you work in.

Sector-specific competencies

The competencies needed to meet the requirements of each role in your specialism.


The soft skills concerning how you work with others and the attitudes you need to help you work in your role.

How the framework helps you

Our Capability Framework can help you identify the skills and knowledge you may need to progress in your job or develop your business.
Operator-level farmers and growers can use the Capability Framework to contextualise their current skills, identify areas for further development, and match their skills to job roles they want to apply for.

 Supervisors in agriculture and horticulture can use the framework to reflect on their abilities, prepare for appraisals, identify areas for strengthening the team, and develop job descriptions when hiring.

In addition to these uses, managers and owners of farming and growing businesses can use the framework to get a bigger picture of the skills and knowledge their staff will need when they develop new areas of their business.
Capability Framework key

TIAH's Capability Framework uses the following terminology:

Capability: The ability to do something, to execute a specified course of action or to achieve certain outcomes.

Competency: The necessary ability, knowledge or skill to do something successfully.

Core competency: The necessary ability, knowledge or skill to do something successfully no matter what area of agriculture or horticulture you work in.

Skill: An ability to do an activity or job well, developed through training and/or experience.  

Knowledge: Understanding of, or information about, a subject developed through experience or study.  

Behaviours: The soft skills concerning how you work with others and the attitudes you need to help you work successfully within your role. 

Together, they give you the tools to be successful in your role and help you identify where you need or want to develop.

The framework applies to all roles in farming and growing.

How the framework relates to your job

As the Capability Framework is designed to cover all roles in farming and growing, we've also collected all the competencies for individual job profiles, too.

You can download these competency profiles to find out exactly what skills and knowledge are needed for different roles in agriculture and horticulture.

Young farmers developing new skills in a practical training session.

An evolving tool for a changing industry

We're continually developing our Capability Framework to reflect the ongoing changes in farming and growing.

In addition, you can log in to the Learning Hub and assess yourself against the framework to build your own Capability Profile.

Doing this will allow us to tailor learning recommendations to the areas of the framework you want to develop further, helping you meet your targets.
Young farmers developing new skills in a practical training session.