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Recruitment Toolkit

Recruitment Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help you with every step in the process of identifying and retaining the best applicants for your business.
Members can access a host of advice, time-saving tools and downloadable resources throughout our Recruitment Toolkit. Find out more about becoming a member.
The framework in our Recruitment Toolkit will help you refine the process of hiring new staff.

The recruitment process

This toolkit aims to simplify and define your overall recruitment process by setting out a framework to meet your needs, as follows:
  • Recruitment policy draft
  • Identifying the type of role(s) you’re hiring for
  • Advertising/attracting applicants
  • Setting up and offering successful applicants employment contracts
  • Inducting new employees
  • Monitoring new employees during probation
  • Observing performance
As such, this toolkit is broken down into three stages, guiding you through these steps to give you the best chance of hiring the best candidate every time.

Members get more

TIAH members can access all the advice, tools and templates inside our Recruitment Toolkit, as well as an ever-growing catalogue of quality online learning materials inside our innovative Learning Hub.

Take a look through our membership booklet to find out more about how you can benefit from becoming a member of TIAH.

More on successful recruitment

Accompanying this toolkit, we have our Business Excellence webinar, looking at hiring for the long term, hosted by Alistair Gibb of Cedar Associates.

As a member, you can watch the webinar back in full and access the additional templates and tools Alistair discusses in the webinar.


Members can access a range of downloadable tools and resources in this toolkit.

Additionally, members can find more information and advice on hiring staff in our Guide to Effective Recruiting on the Learning Hub.
To access our extensive range of tools, resources and online learning, either sign in or become a member.

Navigate around the toolkit

Members can navigate around the toolkit and download a host of time-saving tools and resources to help them maximise their chances of a succesfful hire. 

Thanks to our partner organisations

This toolkit was made in association with human resources specialist HR Blossoms and management consultancy Cedar Associates.

All the guidance is written in accordance with the legal standards of recruitment in England at the time of publishing. In the case of any uncertanties, farmers and growers are advised to seek additional guidance from a trusted, experienced professional.