The Learning Hub will be closed for maintenance from 5am until 2pm on 5 November. For information, email: [email protected].


We've developed the TIAH Capability Framework covering the skills and knowledge needed by those working in agriculture and production horticulture in England.
This Capability Framework helps build your profile on the online platform to make sure you're pointed towards relevant learning.
Meet your learning goals
We're committed to helping you meet your learning goals in a variety of ways. Examples of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are:
- Courses: Formal, informal, in person, online, and e-learning
- Peer to peer learning: Including, engaging with a network that allows you to learn from others, special interest groups, advisory groups, local networks, or social media
- On the job learning: From others at your place of work, by visiting farms or allied parts of the supply and food chain – such as by work shadowing or gaining a mentor at work or another farm
- Self study: Reading books, journals/magazines, and case studies, watching online webinars and videos, listening to podcasts, going to talks or presentations in person or online, e.g., Farmers Weekly, YouTube or Future Farming podcast
- Essential Skills created by TIAH
TIAH Essential Skills
A good place to start is with TIAH’s Essential Skills online learning modules.
Our Learning Hub will let you record your CPD and signpost you to relevant learning based on the knowledge and skills needed in your role.
The Learning Hub lets you keep a record of everything you do, including external CPD. You can share this with your manager or others and use it as a reference when considering further development or applying for another role.
You'll achieve CPD points by using the Learning Hub to take learning opportunities that will be logged on your record. Any TIAH learning will automatically be recorded, and you can also record your external learning and CPD.
As a TIAH member, you agree to keep your knowledge and skills up to date.
We suggest you aim for 40 points a year, which is roughly 20 hours a year - but you and/or your employer can set your own CPD points goal. (Note: you can allocate a maximum of 10 points for a full day.)
BASIS and RoSA CPD points
As well as achieving your TIAH CPD points - If you're a member of BASIS you can also claim Basis CPD points through some of our learning, including the following Essential Skills modules:
- TIAH Essential Skills: coaching for staff retention
- TIAH Essential Skills: foundations in farm safety
- TIAH Essential Skills: biosecurity
On completion of the Essential Skills learning path you'll find a simple form to claim your BASIS points.
Similarly, members of the Register of Sheep Advisers can receive RoSA points by completing the TIAH Essential Skills: animal health and welfare (for farm workers).
Your TIAH CPD points will automatically be allocated to your record.