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Farming and growing media

Farming and growing media

There is a wealth of information and quality media out there for farmers and growers - and much of this can help careers seekers get a better understanding of the industry. Here are some of the highlights.
Agriculture and horticulture has a host of quality media outlets.
Television documentary series about Jeremy Clarkson and his farm in the Cotswolds.
This BBC One show focuses on the people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.
Magazine celebrating all that’s great about rural life, including the food, wildlife, rural skills, traditions and more.
Weekly magazine for British farmers, providing topical news, plus livestock, arable, machinery features and more.
Magazine for British farmers, providing news, business features, livestock, arable and machinery sections.
Radio 4's Farming Today podcast provides the latest news about food, farming and the countryside.
ITV's show follows Kelvin Fletcher and his family to get a real insight into farming life.
HortWeek provides critical information to help those in the horticulture and related industries secure success.
You can find out more about a huge range of farming and growing roles by listening to Ben Eagle's podcast series.
This Radio 4 show aims to get to the heart of country life with a look at individual farming endeavours.
Channel 5 follows Clive and Amanda Owen and their nine children on one of Britain's most remote farms.