Coaching can improve your staff retention rates.

Coaching for staff retention

Coaching for staff retention

This Learning Path covers essential coaching skills that, with practice, you can develop to become a great workplace coach, resulting in improved productivity and staff retention.
Coaching can improve your staff retention rates.


This Learning Path aims to:
  • Introduce the benefits of coaching and the core skills, behaviours, skills and knowledge needed for success
  • Improve active listening and thoughtful questioning skills to build on goal setting and problem solving abilities
  • Develop techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs which can otherwise hinder someone's personal development
  • Increase understanding of how coaching can be applied in a variety of situations 


The demands and desires of farm employees have evolved and changed in recent years. The emphasis on what's important has shifted. Now workers are looking for more in terms of development opportunities, having a sense of feeling valued, belonging, and being part of a community.

They want to work somewhere where they're treated with respect and dignity, they’re listened to, and where the wellbeing of employees is important. Coaching is an approach that has the potential to address these demands.

On successful completion of the Learning Path you'll be eligible for a certificate.

What will I acheive?
11 CPD points
How long will it take?
4 hours, 45 mins

How this relates to the Capability Framework

The learning objectives in this Learning Path relate to the capabilities inside the Leadership area of our Capability Framework.

Thanks to our partner organisations

Our Essential Skills learning has been made in collaboration with: