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Ensure new staff have the essential knowledge to work safely on-farm so you can concentrate on the other important tasks.

Induction programmes

Induction programmes

Quickly bring new staff up to speed with the most critical health, safety and sector information with our ready-made digital induction programmes.
Ensure new staff have the essential knowledge to work safely on-farm so you can concentrate on the other important tasks.
From animal health and welfare to nutrient management and health and safety, our induction plans can help you bring new staff up to sdpeed. Fast.

Set the standard for new staff

With so much to cover in an induction and so little time to prepare, it can be easy to accidentally forget to include some information. 

That's why we've prepared induction paths for different sectors, covering all the health and safety trainingindependently reviewed by the Health and Safety Executiveplus critical information for that industry.

Set new staff the target of completing these induction paths so you can concentrate on other tasks, such as introducing them to your team, getting paperwork in order and making sure they understand your business.
Ensure all staff have a solid understanding of their health and safety responsibilities with this induction path.

New and seasonal workers induction path

As with all our induction paths, this online learning details the crucial information about biosecurity and health and safety best practice when working on farm, and provides new starters with a checklist of important things to know about their new workplace.

Spanning five modules, this induction path is designed to be tackled in bite-size chunks, allowing new starters to complete it around the other important tasks and paperwork they need to tackle when settling in.
Ensure all staff have a solid understanding of their health and safety responsibilities with this induction path.
Quickly give new starters a good understanding of HACCP regulations and their farm safety responsibilities wiht this learning path.

Fresh produce induction path

The fresh produce workers' induction path includes everything from the new and seasonal workers' path, plus one extra module specifically about Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in that sector.

This module helps new starters delve into the fundamental principles and practices of HACCP, exploring different types of food contamination, the legislation and how farm workers can work with effective HACCP plans.

The induction path also includes all the essential health and safety and checklist information included in the new and seasonal workers' path.
Help new employees get a base understanding of the important points with nutrient management in this induction path.

Horticulture and arable induction path

Horticulture and arable workers can quickly understand the essential information around nutrient management with this induction plan.

This details what nutrient management is, why it’s important and how to calculate the fertiliser of a crop, plus the wider environmental issues and regulations around nutrient use.

This induction path also includes everything from the new and seasonal workers programme, including all the essential health and safety information, plus the checklist of important things they need to know about the farm site they'll be working on.
Help new employees get a base understanding of the important points with nutrient management in this induction path.
Bring new staff up to speed on your dairy farm quickly with our induction path.

Livestock induction path

Ensure your new staff understand the essential information around animal health and welfare by enrolling them on this learning path.

It aims to improve the delivery of animal health and welfare and good stockmanship best practices among all workers on a livestock unit.

The livestock induction path also includes everything from the new and seasonal workers' path, helping you make sure your new staff have a great foundation of knowledge so they can work safely on-farm.