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National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs

National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs

The NFYFC is one of the largest rural youth organisations in the UK dedicated to young people who have a love for agriculture and rural life.
NFYFC logo

The National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs is led by young people, for young people. Its 23,000 members, aged 10 to 28, have the opportunity to broaden their horizons through skills development, international travel and a wide range of competitions.

There are more than 550 Young Farmers' Clubs in England and Wales dedicated to supporting young people in agriculture, horticulture and the countryside in general.

Importantly, you don't need to be in farming already to become a member of Young Farmers - you simply need to appreciate the countryside and enjoy rural life.

Find out more about membership by visiting the NFYFC website.