Farm managers play a crucial role in caring for the land and wildlife around their farm.

Managers in farming and growing

Managers in farming and growing

A farm manager is a steward of the British countryside that we all recognise and enjoy.
Farm managers play a crucial role in caring for the land and wildlife around their farm.

This is a role that's constantly evolving, with tree planting, hedgerow protection, and habitat restoration receiving particular focus in modern times.

The farm manager is the individual in overall control of what happens across the farm buildings and wider site.

They have the ultimate responsibility to ensure that all ethical and legislative controls are in place. They must manage livestock, buildings, and land to ensure that running a profitable business while feeding the nation does not comprise the environment.

Green Careers Week 2023

Find out more about how different roles across farming and growing are all contributing to a better environment and protecting wildlife.

Visit our Green Careers Week 2023 page, or find out about a host of other industries, working to protect our planet.

Their responsibilities extend from efficient management of waste, through control of greenhouse gas emissions, to correct treatment of water across the site.

It does not end there though; farmers also keep a keen eye on the storage of potential pollutants on site, both monitor and encourage biodiversity, and work tirelessly to maintain the soil health of their fields.

You can find out more about the responsibilities of this role in our poultry, crops, and livestock farm manager profiles.