National Work Experience Week
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National Work Experience Week
National Work Experience Week
National Work Experience Week 2023, ran from April 24 to 28, is about helping people find the career that's right for them and allowing industry to showcase what it have to offer.
As the home of skills, careers and professionalism in farming and growing, we're highlighting the exciting work experience going on in agriculture and horticulture in England.
Together with a cross-industry working group, we are producing and delivering on a careers action plan for the industry. The group has identified the delivery of quality work experience as one of the key factors in attracting new entrants and career changers into agriculture and horticulture.

Removing bariers to work experience
During National Work Experience Week, a social media campaign will raise farmers’ and growers’ awareness of providing work experience. Further work will take place to seek feedback from employers to identify the common barriers to offering work experience. We're also developing materials to support more farmers and growers to offer work experience.
Organisations and businesses who'd like to support any aspect of the careers action plan, including the work experience initiative, are invited to contact TIAH Careers Manager Ruthie Peterson at [email protected].